aBsoLut-Ly cOoL as ICE

irrelevant rantings and musings

Sunday, February 29, 2004

feeling kinda nostalgic tonight...missing the days in perth. miss the fresh air, the friendly aussies, the freedom, the food, the walks, the trips to 24 hrs drive thrus, red rooster, grocery shopping, late night shopping, the fun and tears i shared with my uni friends...etc etc...

had a sudden urge to drink english breakfast tea. it's one of the first teas i've learnt to drink when i was there. it has a nice fragrance and the aftertaste is not very strong as compared to earl grey. i've obtained my driving license in perth. i went pubbing and clubbing in perth. i've learnt to tolerant the smell of cigarette smoke in perth. i've seen many things in perth which i wouldn't normally see in singapore (eg. the round around the hostel's quadrangle in nude contest). it's also the place where i grew up and become a more sensible and matured person.

i miss the craziness and the silly things my frens and i used to do over there. life wasn't all that interesting and exciting (as you prob know, all shops close at 5pm daily except thu and fri) but time flew and soon it was the day we had to drag ourselves back to spore.

going back there again would be a whole different feeling. i'm no longer a student and i can't afford to stay there as long as i want (due to the limited amt of leave i have). the feeling once lost, it's hard to get it back again........

i miss perth..............


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