aBsoLut-Ly cOoL as ICE

irrelevant rantings and musings

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Tagged by Ying

Kena tagged by my junior Ying and being the usual nice person, i'll oblige and complete the tags even tho i've got no one else to tag after that. hahaa!

Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog with 6 weird facts/things/habits about yourself, saying who tagged you. In the end you need to choose the 5 people to be tagged and list their names. No tag backs.

1. despite my "size", i'm a very fussy eater. my frens can vouch for that.
2. i can't take food containing processed coconut (such as coconut cream / milk) but i can eat the fruit itself without "hugging" the toilet bowl.
3. during my sch days, i just couldn't put on weight no matter how much i ate. however once i got to uni, the horizontal growth was unstoppable!
4. i'm a leftie who finds it rather awkward to tap the ezlink card with my left hand.
5. during uni, i underwent a 'makeover' comprising of long dyed hair, waxed and shaped eyebrows & having 3 ear holes.
6. i underwent surgery to remove 4 wisdom teeth at 1 go. *ouch!*


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